On Friday, we had a “speed” resource education session with 4 representatives from their respective organizations come to Umbrella and share information about their programs and services with Umbrella front line workers.
Ashley MacDonald came in to talk about Kopar, the new employment support program in town, specifically their Training 4 Jobs program where they provide open ended one on one support for individuals struggling to re enter the work force in our community.
Lee Sundquist came from New Therapeutic Recovery Center to talk about their recovery program for men, answer questions and talk briefly about their upcoming women’s program. Lee was accompanied by Sean, an alumni of the program who shared a powerful story of recovery and talked about the program through the eyes of a participant.
Ivana Bekavac is the new Treatment Program Manager at Salvation Army’s ARC program. She came in to discuss the men’s treatment program as well as some new and exciting changes that are occurring within ARC right now.
Lori Ferguson came in from Cool Aid’s REES program to speak about the services they provide. She spoke about the IA and PWD assistance program, the various drop in services as well as the job pool program.
Not only was this an excellent opportunity for our staff to gain valuable knowledge about these excellent community programs but it also provides an opportunity for our staff to gain valuable contacts and connections in the field.