Community Connect

Today was Project Community Connect with representatives from the Downtown Service Providers providing information and connection to those who popped into The Bay Centre. Evan and Pam manned the Umbrella table giving out chocolate and raffling off an Umbrella umbrella.

Royals Season Tickets!

We couldn't be more excited! Devin from the Victoria Royals came by the office yesterday to drop off our season Tickets and some fun bobble heads. The Royals are off to an exceptional start to the season and our two Foundation House residents who attended the game l...

A Visit from the Zone 91.3

We were thrilled to be visited this week by John Sheilds from the Zone 91.3, here in Victoria. The Zone's Selfless Summer Civic Contest allowed winners to choose a local registered charity to support with a $500 donation. Thank you to Zoner Adrian Polley and everyone a...

Jenny’s Last Day

Friday was Jenny's last day with Umbrella. Jenny, who has been the primary outreach worker on our very successful doctors project, is moving away from our beautiful island to be closer to her family and be a hands on "Grammy". Jenny has been such a wonderful part of...

Larry retires

Larry Stevens, from Coolaid's REES program, has been a long time friend  and supporter of Umbrella, and a huge advocate for our clients. This week, Angela and Evan went to Larry's retirement party with thanks, hugs and gratitude. Larry will be very missed by Umbrella an...

Terry loves apple pie

We had to share this fun moment. Bronwyn, our awesome admin & pie baker, made Terry a yummy apple pie, which clearly made his day! And, check out the tiny umbrella in the crust. Well done Bronwyn!

Vancity Visit

A few employees from Vancity visited Foundation House today. Elyse, Fred and Ben had a tour and visit with some of the residents and staff as they delivered a check to Umbrella. Umbrella will be using this money to help the residents be more prepared as they transition ...

TJ … an update.

TJ has been living at Foundation House for just under a month and is really adjusting well to all the love and attention he is receiving. He still needs to gain weight, but he is getting used to the busyness of the house and TJ has figured out the best place to sleep i...

Staff Fun Day

Today, Team Umbrella skipped the staff meeting and hit the golf course... the mini-golf course that is. Everyone enjoyed some laughs, competition and sunshine. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

Overdose Awareness

Team members Lesley and Jenny were at Centennial Square manning the Umbrella table at the Overdose Awareness Day on August 31. This event brought the community together to grieve, reflect and connect while providing hope that we can stop the crisis.