2020 AGM

Tonight was Umbrella's 2020 AGM. Since this was our 20th year, we wanted to have a big splash and celebrate Umbrella. Instead, we held our AGM via ZOOM. It wasn't how we planned it, but it was wonderful. It was so great to see friendly faces who share our success, a...

New Logo

You may have noticed a new look recently for Umbrella. With the help of our friends over at LeapXD we have created a new logo to celebrate out 20th year. And we are thrilled! Neil and Brandy at Leap really understood what this milestone means for us and our new logo i...

Lyca gets political

Normally all of us at Umbrella, including our house dog Lyca, try to keep politics out of our day to day work - but not today. Lyca received a Donald Trump Chew Toy from Bronwyn and it is her new favourite thing! She carries him around, pulls at his hair and makes him ...

Care Packages

When we had our last staff meeting March 18, we had no idea how long it would be until we all saw each other again, in person. We are almost at the two month mark and boy do we miss seeing our team weekly. So much so, that we created care packages for all staff, and d...

ZOOM Board Meetings

Last night, Umbrella held our monthly board meeting via ZOOM. We had to cancel April's board meeting due to the uncertainty of the COVID situation, so it had been awhile since we met. Our board is a critical resource for the ED and they are a group of warm, caring and c...


On May 6th 2019, Umbrella was lucky to have Dean join us for his practicum. We didn't know at the time what a gift had been shared with us. During his practicum, Dean provided incredibly important counseling support for many Umbrella clients. He also participated in our ...

Happy pup!

You know who isn't bothered by people staying at home more? Lyca.  She is in heaven with her daily walks, hikes, ball throwing for hours and the attention of all the residents. Everyday she is on a new adventure at a beach, mountain or park just loving the slower pace ...

The Umbrella Experience

Coffee. Conversation. Connection. Umbrella is pleased to offer a check in group for anyone wanting connection and conversation. During the COVID 19 pandemic, we will be offering this experience via ZOOM and participants will need to supply their own coffee! An Umbr...

Happy Admin Day!

Today is Administrative Professionals Day and we want to take a moment to tell you about our wonderful administrative team! First there is Bronwyn. She is the voice behind the phone and words behind the emails at Umbrella. Bronwyn has been with Umbrella for 5 years, ke...

Happy 2 Years Scott

It is a BIG day at Foundation House today! Scott, one of our awesome residents, is celebrating his 2 year of sobriety today. His journey has not been easy but he has persevered, stayed focused and stayed true to his path of recovery. Now we just need to work on his toi...