Happy 5 years Blake!

It was 5 years ago today that Blake joined the Umbrella team. Blake manages many of our programs but his start was in outreach. Blake has since started up our podcasts, oversees new projects and helps get the word of recovery out in the community. Blake doesn't eat...

Gulf Islands Driftwood

Check out the great article from the Gulf Islands Driftwood about Umbrella's visit to Salt Spring Island on July 26. You can read the article here.   

Times Colonist Article

"Addiction is a non-discriminatory disease" said Evan James. "It affects the young, and the old, wealthy or poor." This is a snippet from the article that was in the Times Colonist today, read the whole piece here. Umbrella is incredibly grateful for the funding from ...

SSI Presentation

Umbrella was invited to Salt Spring Island today to present to the community about what we do and how we help. We have grown our presence on this island in the past years with our outreach worker one day a week, and most recently with Umbrella partnering with BC Housing ...

6 year work anniversary!

Today was an important day at Umbrella! Brianna celebrated 6 years with us today, and we got a beautiful ice cream cake to share with the staff. Often Brianna gets forgotten with her work anniversaries since she is the one that keeps track of them, so this year we made...

Pizza, cake and goodbyes

Tonight staff, residents and alumni all piled into the yard at Foundation House to give Erik a proper send off. We had 14 large pizzas, a huge slab ice cream cake and some Erik trivia, which was actually a bit of an Erik roast! Staff shared stories of Erik when he first...

Galiano Road Trip

Rebecca and Evan headed over to Galiano on Tuesday to provide some community education to the folks on that island. Vesna, pictured with Evan and Rebecca below had asked for Umbrella to come and share a bit about what we do and how to support their folks over there. We ...

Reading Library

Umbrella has started our own reading library! Thanks to a generous donation of books from our friends at Munro's books, we were able set up some bookcases and start our new library. We have already had some people help themselves to some new reading. Everyone is encou...

Vital Youth & Evan

Umbrella was pleased to have been a recipient of the Vital Youth grant, funded by the Victoria Foundation and awarded by youth throughout high schools in Victoria. Evan joined the youth at St. Michaels as they shared their experience with the Vital Youth program and ho...

AGM 2023

On June 14, Umbrella hosted our Annual General Meeting. We were thrilled to have so many of our members, community partners, funders and supporters in attendance. Our key note speaker, MLA Grace Lore, spoke about Umbrella and our importance to the community and our othe...