Halloween at our houses

Last night was pumpkin carving at all our recovery houses. It is always a lot of fun for the residents to just socialize and engage with each other and our housing manager, Zack. A big thank you to Umbrella's Angels who provided all the pumpkins for our residents to car...

Pizza, cake and goodbyes

Tonight staff, residents and alumni all piled into the yard at Foundation House to give Erik a proper send off. We had 14 large pizzas, a huge slab ice cream cake and some Erik trivia, which was actually a bit of an Erik roast! Staff shared stories of Erik when he first...

James is 2!

Today at the Potter House meeting we took the time to celebrate James and his two years of sobriety. James has been a leader and a source of inspiration for the guys at all our houses, and our staff. James took the time to prioritize his recovery and to work his program...

Lyca Graduates

Yesterday was Lyca's last day as a resident of Foundation House. This sweet girl has moved on to one of our third stage houses, Potter House, with her favourite human James. Lyca has been at Foundation House for years and has done well, but the busyness of the house an...

Potter House Sendoff

Yesterday at the Potter House meeting, the staff and residents said goodbye to Josh. Josh has his own apartment and is moving out this week. We are really excited for Josh and very proud of him, he has worked really hard on his recovery and has been patient, taking adv...

One Year Sober

Last night at the weekly Foundation House meeting the residents from Potter and Foundation House took some time with the staff to celebrate Nick's one year sober! Nick has been such an asset to the house, he has worked hard on his recovery and it shows. We can't wait to...

Pizza & Bowling

Last night Sharlene, Erik and Sarah invited all the the residents from Potter House over to Foundation House for pizza and then everyone headed out for a fun night of bowling. Lots of laughs were had by all and Erik was the high scoring bowler of the night. Can't wait t...

Happy 1 Year Sober!

March 1 was Ross's big milestone birthday - one year sober! Ross has worked hard to get to here, and the smile on his face shows how happy he is to have reached this milestone. Ross is living at Potter House as of March 1 and he is thriving in his new house and in his l...

A note from an alumni

We love hearing from our previous residents! This is a note from another resident that had moved on recently from Potter House and is doing very well. Cards and notes like this make us very happy and even more proud.

Potter House Success!

When residents in our supportive recovery program give themselves the time they need to get their recovery on track we see nothing but success. With no time limits to our programs we see residents taking their time as they learn to live without substances  -  it is a big ...