Angels Lunch

On Monday, Sharlene and Erik attended the semi annual Angels lunch. Sharlene spoke about the great programs the Angels fund and Erik spoke about the recovery houses supported by the Angels and shared a bit about his personal story. We are incredibly grateful for the A...

Happy 3 Years Johnny!

We celebrated Johnny, a resident at Potter House, and his incredible milestone of 3 years of sobriety. What a remarkable achievement, and we couldn’t be more proud! Below, you'll find photos of Johnny with his cake and sobriety chip. Keep shining, Johnny – sobriety loo...

Bowling for James

Last night Erik and Derek took the Foundation House and Potter House guys bowling to celebrate James moving out on January 1. James has been a long time resident and leader in the houses and also officially adopted Lyca and is moving with her. We can speak for Lyca when...

Christmas Angels

Umbrella's Angels were busy delivering gifts and cheer on Friday. Their first stop was Cooper House where Barry greeted Deedrie and Penny and the angels filled the space under the tree. Then they stopped over at Potter House for a quick visit with the residents there an...

Halloween at our houses

The residents at our houses were busy carving up some pumpkins in preparation for trick or treating tonight. This is one of our favourite activities each year, the residents really get creative and have a lot of fun. Candy is stocked, pumpkins are carved - we are ready ...


It has been awhile since we posted pics and provided an update of our Lyca. Lyca is loving her life at Potter House with her favorite human James. During the day Lyca goes to Umbrella office 3 days per week, and goes to her second favorite human Jo's house 2 days per w...

Harbour Cats

On Wednesday evening, some of the guys from our recovery houses took in ball game. Thanks to tickets from Mayor Alto, our residents watched the Harbour Cats beat the Nanaimo Night Owls while enjoying the sunshine and soaking up the ball park energy. Having fun and doing...

Resident Bowling

On Wednesday night, all the residents from our three houses met at Foundation House for pizza and then they headed out to Langford Lanes for some fun bowling. Staff Zack, Kelsey and Erik all joined in on the fun and Erik beat everyone at bowling!! These events are reall...

Thank you Times Colonist

Yesterday, Ian from the Sovereign Order of St John delivered a generous check, on behalf of the Sovereign Order and the Times Colonist to Evan at Umbrella. These funds will be used to offset the rising costs of food at our recovery houses, which allows us to continue to ...

Happy 3 years Nathaniel

What a milestone! Last night Zack and Potter House residents celebrated Nathaniel. Nathaniel reached three years in recovery and all of us at Umbrella  are incredibly proud of Nathaniel. That is three years of Nathaniel investing in himself and prioritizing his recover...