Counsellor Coleman Visit

Today City of Victoria Counsellor Chris Coleman spent some time at Umbrella's new office with Sharlene and Evan catching up on all things Umbrella. We love meeting with people in our local community, sharing stories and strengthening connections. Thanks for spending some...

Grade 11 Students

Today Umbrella presented to the grade 11 class at St Michaels. This engaged group of students were full of questions for Evan and Rebecca. The time spent after the presentations where students can have one on one time with our staff mean a lot to us, we really find tha...

Bowling for James

Last night Erik and Derek took the Foundation House and Potter House guys bowling to celebrate James moving out on January 1. James has been a long time resident and leader in the houses and also officially adopted Lyca and is moving with her. We can speak for Lyca when...

Thank you Manitoulin Transport

What a wonderful gift! Thank you to Jan Cromwell and Manitoulin Transport for this very generous donation made to Umbrella on Christmas Eve. Louise and Evan joined Jan in the picture and everyone was all smiles! This donation will be 100% be used to support our client...

F-House Christmas

Foundation House is all ready for the big day! Thanks to our friends at TOPS, who support our residents each year, they guys are ready for Christmas. We are incredibly grateful to the folks at TOPS for filling a gift bag for each of our residents to open. Thank you!  ...

Christmas Angels

Umbrella's Angels were busy delivering gifts and cheer on Friday. Their first stop was Cooper House where Barry greeted Deedrie and Penny and the angels filled the space under the tree. Then they stopped over at Potter House for a quick visit with the residents there an...

Holidays at Albina

Last week Louise took our new HR Manager, Danielle, out for a resource tour day and when they stopped at the Albina housing site we work at, they were overjoyed to see the holiday decorations and festive plans for the residents. Josh and Jeff, our full time Albina staff,...

Borderline Personality Disorder Presentation

To end the year we had a a professional development day inviting Borderline Personality Disorder Society of BC to present to our outreach and management teams. We had Bryan (vice president, group facilitator) and Josh (volunteer). They explained what Borderline Personal...

Women’s Group

We had another fantastic women's group end yesterday. The ladies have created connections and learned new practical skills to use in their recovery. For the last day the group practiced meditation, had some festive treats and created holiday crafts. There were a lot of ...

Christ Church Cathedral

Today, Sharlene and Evan were invited to be a part of a community conversation at Christ Church Cathedral. Joining other local not for profits, conversations about community need and organizational dreams took place which also led to further discussions and new relations...