Healing yard at F-House

Umbrella was so excited to receive a Community Wellness Grant to upgrade the backyard at Foundation House. This generous grant allowed us to hire Koi Dragon Landscaping and have them turn what was a boring, uninspiring yard into an oasis of healing and sanctuary. The re...

Happy One Year Nic!

Today is a big day for our Recipes for Recovery leader Nic. He is one year sober. This is a huge milestone and deserved to be celebrated with cupcakes, cards and all the attention ! We are super proud of him and all the amazing work he is doing in Umbrella's newest coo...

Pizza, cake and goodbyes

Tonight staff, residents and alumni all piled into the yard at Foundation House to give Erik a proper send off. We had 14 large pizzas, a huge slab ice cream cake and some Erik trivia, which was actually a bit of an Erik roast! Staff shared stories of Erik when he first...

One year of sobriety!

Last night the guys at Foundation House celebrated Iain and his one year of sobriety. Iain works his recovery program daily and is a leader in the house for the other residents. Recently Iain was selected for the role of senior resident at Foundation House, which is a ...

Lyca Graduates

Yesterday was Lyca's last day as a resident of Foundation House. This sweet girl has moved on to one of our third stage houses, Potter House, with her favourite human James. Lyca has been at Foundation House for years and has done well, but the busyness of the house an...

One Year Sober

Last night at the weekly Foundation House meeting the residents from Potter and Foundation House took some time with the staff to celebrate Nick's one year sober! Nick has been such an asset to the house, he has worked hard on his recovery and it shows. We can't wait to...

Pizza & Bowling

Last night Sharlene, Erik and Sarah invited all the the residents from Potter House over to Foundation House for pizza and then everyone headed out for a fun night of bowling. Lots of laughs were had by all and Erik was the high scoring bowler of the night. Can't wait t...

Happy 3 Years Foundation House!

Happy birthday to us! It was 3 years ago today that Umbrella became the proud owners of Foundation House! Although we had been operating the house since 2015, it wasn't until 2020 that the opportunity to purchase the house from the owners presented itself. We were stok...

Improv Jan 2023

  Last week we had some housing staff and residents take part in an improv session at the office. There was a lot of laughs and great house bonding. Everyone was blown away not only by how much fun they had but by how much improv worked to support the recovery ski...

Potter House Success!

When residents in our supportive recovery program give themselves the time they need to get their recovery on track we see nothing but success. With no time limits to our programs we see residents taking their time as they learn to live without substances  -  it is a big ...