It’s our birthday!

It was 3 years ago today that Umbrella took over the operations of Foundation House. It has been an incredible three years, with a lot of growth, learning and changes. Through out this time we have committed to staying affordable for those on income assistance, made su...

Community Connections

We  had a great time this morning connecting with City Council member Jeremy Loveday. Jeremy met with Evan (who manages Foundation House) and Conor (a former resident and now casual employee) to talk about services in the community, what gaps exists and how we can all wor...

Impact Tour

The United Way Impact Tour bus arrived at Foundation House this morning. We were honoured to welcome staff and funders to share with them the impact that Umbrella and Foundation House have on the community. We couldn't let them leave without a token of our appreciation f...

TJ Thrives!

TJ's journey with us has not been without it's ups and downs but today was a definite up! A vet visit confirmed that TJ continues to thrive and has gained 15lbs. TJ reminds us all daily to stay present, patient and mindful and for that we are forever grateful.

Feeling the love

The holidays are over, but the residents at both Hudson House and Foundation House are bringing the love they felt into the new year. The community really came together and helped spoil all 16 residents. A huge thank you to everyone who donated to Umbrella, purchased ba...

Christmas Fundraiser

This year, we decided to try a little fundraising to purchase gifts for the residents in Foundation House and Hudson House. Our ED baked dozens of cookies and the team delivered them. This little fundraiser, became a huge fundraiser - $1506.00!! We were able to purchase...

Oh Christmas Tree!

The residents at Foundation House did a great job decorating the house and this beautiful tree we purchased from our friends at Anawim House. Pictured below is Warren, our senior resident, showing off the final results. It is going to be a very Merry Christmas!

TJ Update

TJ is dressed for the grey weather and continue to brighten the lives of our Foundation House residents. While still nervous of new people, TJ continues to win everyone over with his gentle nature.

Pumpkin carving

Our annual pumpkin carving at Foundation House was a big success again this year. Not all the guys participated but it was fun for those that did. Happy Halloween!

Royals Season Tickets!

We couldn't be more excited! Devin from the Victoria Royals came by the office yesterday to drop off our season Tickets and some fun bobble heads. The Royals are off to an exceptional start to the season and our two Foundation House residents who attended the game l...