TJ and Lyca meet!

  Today we had to take some stuff over to Cooper House and thought it would be fun to bring Lyca over to meet TJ. Lyca was sniffing the house like crazy but couldn't find TJ right away. She headed upstairs and found TJ sleeping on his persons bed and initially TJ was...

SMART Recovery

Umbrella is excited to announce that we are hosting a weekly SMART recovery meeting at our office starting Wednesday, August 21 at 12noon to 1:30. This drop in recovery support group is welcome to all and is facilitated by Lesley and Adrian. Lesley has been faciliating ...

Thank you United Way!

How lucky are we? Rachel from the United Way called us today about tickets for the Harbour Cats game tonight, and offered them to Umbrella. It took a quick call to Cooper House and Foundation House to have them all spoken for. The guys are all very excited to attend an...

Lyca’s holiday

Lyca is having a vacation away from Foundation House this week. Bronwyn took Lyca to Gabriola Island to hang out with Walter and some kids. Reports are that Lyca is having a great time, has checked out the area pretty thoroughly and has chased all the balls that have be...

Justin moves on

Tonight was an emotional night at the weekly Foundation House meeting. Long time resident and previous Senior Resident Justin, is moving out tomorrow and tonight, we said goodbye. We welcomed staff, Cooper House guys and some alumni to the house as everyone thanked Just...

United Way Visit

Today members of the United Way team popped by Foundation House to chat with us about the great work Umbrella is doing in the community. The United Way has been a huge support of Umbrella and we always look forward to opportunities to chat with them and express our thank...

Lyca & the new office

Today Umbrella got the keys to our new office. We brought Lyca to check it out, and she loves the carpet, and the office! We officially move next week and we can't wait to have Lyca hang with us each day.

Fresh Coat

Umbrella hired our favourite contractor Dave Surtees to give a little TLC to the front of the house and the stairs, and we had to share how great they look. In October, these stairs will be the backdrop for a photo with residents and the Boston Bruins Alumni so we had t...

The Big, Bad Boston Bruins

Umbrella is beyond thrilled to announce our second fundraiser taking place October 5, 2019 at The Q Centre. We have invited the Big, Bad Boston Bruins Alumni, led by Hockey Hall of Famer Ray Bourque, to come to Victoria and play a charity hockey game with all funds goi...

F-House Fun Night

Every so often we like to bring all the housing staff and the residents of Foundation House together for a night of laughs. Tonight we ordered pizza and played "Things in a box" and there was an abundance of laughs. This game was a fun way to get to know each other a bi...