Provincial Employee Community Services Fund

Umbrella is a thankful recipient of the the Provincial Employee Community Services Fund. This program is a great way for provincial employees to give directly to local non profits via their provincial employer. We value and appreciate the ongoing support from this incr...

Thank you Munro Books!

On Friday, Umbrella picked up three big boxes of books that the staff at Munro Books put together for our residents. We can't tell you how much these gestures mean to Umbrella and our residents. With the lack of fundraising options and being limited on what donations we...

TJ’s Fur-ever Home

Today is TJ's last day living in one of our houses. Umbrella adopted TJ a few years ago and he lived at Foundation House, where he met his best friend. When his bff moved to Cooper House, TJ went with him and they have lived there together for well over a year. Today, ...

Thank You from Our Residents!

Christmas joy is in the air, and the residents of Umbrella's supportive recovery houses know how to celebrate the season! With the support of our amazing community, every resident in our houses will wake up on Christmas morning to thoughtfully donated gifts. Christmas ca...

Christmas Fundraiser 2019

Thank you to each and every person who bought cookies for this years Umbrella Christmas Cookie Fundraiser. Sharlene spent countless hours in the kitchen whipping up her incredible (and beautiful) cookies and the support from the community was overwhelming. We raised $1,7...

Anawim Tree 2019

One of our favorite yearly traditions is shopping for Christmas trees at Anawim House. Anawim has been a great community partner over the years and they always have the most incredible trees! A big thank you to Terry for helping Evan pick out the perfect ones for our re...

2 years sober!

Last night some staff from Umbrella many Foundation House and Cooper House residents and a very special guest, Justin's mom, all gathered to celebrate a very special day. Justin, who lived at Foundation House for 18 months and was the senior resident for much of that ti...

Housing Provider of the Year!!

On Sunday, November 17 Umbrella was awarded the Housing Provider of the Year award! Sharlene and Blake, Housing Manager, were at the event to accept the award. This is a true honour to be recognized for our housing program, the staff, board and all our residents are gra...

Halloween at our houses

The residents had a lot of fun this Halloween preparing for the tricker-treaters. Hudson and Cooper house carved up their pumpkins and Foundation House did things a little different. One of the residents had some fun in his gorilla costume... You may have seen him givi...

Victoria Royals 2019/20

Sharlene and Bronwyn picked up the Royals season tickets tonight. Every year, the Umbrella Society provides hockey tickets to our supportive recovery housing residents. They are all excited to cheer on the Royals and and get out on the town with fellow residents in recov...