What A Treat!

Our monthly staff meeting was pleasantly interrupted this week. We were all delighted to received a chocolate dipped fruit bouquet created by Edible Arrangements. The bouquet was sent to us by a grateful parent to celebrate the second year of sobriety for her son. ...

Quadra Village Community Centre

Did you know that the Umbrella Society's office is located at the Quadra Village Community Centre? QVCC has been a major supporter of the work that Umbrella does and we couldn't be more grateful. While strolling the halls at the office we noticed that the community closet...

Local Films Supporting Umbrella

Local film makers Brent Lanyon (The Woman Down the Lane) and Mike Stevens (Dee) will be screening their new films on Saturday, November 25th at 12pm at the Roxy Theater. The screening will be by donation and Umbrella is thrilled to have been selected as the benefa...

Evan’s presentation

Evan gave a powerful presentation last night at the Community Volunteer Training Program on addiction, stigma and recovery. We are grateful that our staff are so open to sharing their experience and knowledge to help community members better support people living with, an...

A Visit from the Zone 91.3

We were thrilled to be visited this week by John Sheilds from the Zone 91.3, here in Victoria. The Zone's Selfless Summer Civic Contest allowed winners to choose a local registered charity to support with a $500 donation. Thank you to Zoner Adrian Polley and everyone a...

Larry retires

Larry Stevens, from Coolaid's REES program, has been a long time friend  and supporter of Umbrella, and a huge advocate for our clients. This week, Angela and Evan went to Larry's retirement party with thanks, hugs and gratitude. Larry will be very missed by Umbrella an...

Vancity Visit

A few employees from Vancity visited Foundation House today. Elyse, Fred and Ben had a tour and visit with some of the residents and staff as they delivered a check to Umbrella. Umbrella will be using this money to help the residents be more prepared as they transition ...

Overdose Awareness

Team members Lesley and Jenny were at Centennial Square manning the Umbrella table at the Overdose Awareness Day on August 31. This event brought the community together to grieve, reflect and connect while providing hope that we can stop the crisis.

Community Volunteer Training

Are you currently volunteering with a community agency and want to increase your knowledge, skills and confidence to support people facing multiple barriers? If so, please talk to your volunteer coordinator about this 8 week training program. Get your application in soon...

New gift!

Today a large package ... no, a huge gift was delivered to Foundation House. One of our incredible alumni wanted to give back, so he did. This previous resident bought us a brand new barbecue, and we couldn't be more grateful for this generous gift. Now that our new ba...