Erik & Sarah’s baby shower

Umbrella's own Erik and his fiancé Sarah are expecting their first child in July. We all know Umbrella loves a good time, so we hosted a wonderful and very non-traditional baby shower for the parents to-be. The weather held out and more than 40 friends, family, cowork...

Happy 1 year James

Umbrella loves to celebrate milestones and this one is worth celebrating! James, also known as Lyca's best friend, is celebrating is 1 year of sobriety, and we couldn't be more proud. James has worked very hard to get here and has laid a foundation for continuous succes...

Birthday Girls

Its not everyday that we get to celebrate not one, but two, of Umbrella's amazing office staff! Today is the wonderful Sarah's birthday and the amazing Bronwyn's big day is Saturday. Since both ladies are taking tomorrow off, we had a nice lunch with birthday cupcakes f...

Star Wars Day

We take Star Wars Day very seriously at Umbrella. Today we have responded to questions with "pew pew" and have had impromptu light saber battles in the office, but Terry out did us all when he showed up with his original Star Wars pin from when he saw Star Wars on openin...

Lunch with Angels

Umbrella has their own Angels. We really do. This wonderful group of caring individuals, who refer to themselves as Angels, support our residents and the programs we run that empower people to make changes in their lives. Today, at a wonderful lunch with Penny and Deed...

Administrative Professionals Day!

April 27 is Adminstrative Professionals Day in Canada and we at Umbrella never miss this important day! Our admin team is the heart and soul of Umbrella and we can't imagine where we would be without their hard work and committment. Simply put, we couldn't do our jobs w...

Happy 2 years Pawel!

Our residents continue to inspire and amaze us. They work hard at their recovery each and every day. Today we celebrate Pawel's two years of sobriety. Pawel started his recovery journey at Foundation House and when we opened Potter House last year, Pawel made the move....

National Puppy Day!

Happy National Puppy Day from Ari who works at the Umbrella office! Ari is busy at work helping the staff get things done by sitting on their laps and receiving and giving love. She is actually Jake & Alyssa's doggie but she has quickly been adopted by the office team d...

Happy 3 years Lance D!

Today at Potter House we celebrate Lance Dixon. Lance wanted us to use his full name because he is so proud of his recovery and this incredible milestone. In his own words he never imagined having the life he does and is full of gratitude and hope for others. Lance is ...

Happy Pie Day!

March 14 is International Pie Day! Based on the numbers for mathematical pi (314) today is Pie Day! However, there is no cake day (why the heck not!) so we made today cake and pie day! The staff indulged in some sweets and Bronwyn and Sharlene had reasons to bake!