Christmas in our houses!

The Christmas season has arrived at all our houses! The residents are all ready for Santa and to celebrate the season together. The holidays are a difficult time for many and we try to make it a little bit better for each resident. Often this can be the first time in a...

Sobriety Celebrations!

Umbrella has so much to celebrate! Two of our awesome residents are celebrating some big sobriety milestones. Brian, at Cooper House is celebrating one year and Nathanial at Potter House is celebrating two years! We couldn't be more proud of these two and all our reside...

Christmas Party 2022

Last night Umbrella staff and board kicked off December with our annual Christmas party. It isn't often the board and staff all get together so we like to do it up right when we can! We love seeing our fellow co-workers dressed up and having fun. So many sparkles! Lots...

Celebrating 22 years

It’s Umbrella 22nd year and we asked our community partners and friend to share a bit about Umbrella's impact and they delivered! Check out what they had to say about us below. He are honoured and grateful to be part of this caring community.

United Way Wreath Delivery

What a delightful way to start the week! Yesterday, our good friends at the United Way Southern Vancouver Island dropped by to deliver a beautiful handmade wreath. We could not be more in awe of the hard work and creativity that they put into this beautiful piece of holi...

Happy 4 years Erik!!!

Today, everyone at Umbrella is celebrating our incredible Erik as he reaches his 4th year of recovery! Erik has always been the quiet, calm support who extends grace and understanding to each person he meets. This year, he welcomed his son into the world and became the ...

Matching Managers

Looks like the boys all arranged to dress in plaid today. Those of us that dressed not in plaid did not get the memo! We've long said that plaid is Umbrella's uniform and today Jake, Evan and Blake were dressed accordingly!

Chef Steve visits F-House

Last night at our weekly house meeting, the guys at Foundation House received a visit from Chef Steve. Steve joined the house meeting and shared his story and offered tips and tricks he has picked up along the way of his recovery journey. We also knew it was Steve's 10 ...

Big Day at Umbrella!

Bronwyn has been with Umbrella for seven years, but today was her first day as a full time employee! We are very excited to have her join staff meetings, and see the fun things Umbrella does after 2pm, when she used to leave each day. As always, we celebrated with cake,...

Recovery Month 2022 – Evan

September is Recovery Month and Umbrella is excited to celebrate by highlighting some of the amazing recovery stories happening all around us. Be like Evan. If you want freedom, fulfillment and purpose in your life like Evan has, then send Umbrella a message. Recover...