Community Collaboration

Umbrella loves connecting with our community partners. Yesterday Sharlene and Janine, the new ED of Mental Health Recovery Partners, met for lunch and to celebrate Janine's new role. Umbrella is excited to continue to work closely with MHRP as they grow under Janine's ...

One Year Sober

Last night at the weekly Foundation House meeting the residents from Potter and Foundation House took some time with the staff to celebrate Nick's one year sober! Nick has been such an asset to the house, he has worked hard on his recovery and it shows. We can't wait to...

Cooper House Owners!

Umbrella has been renting Cooper House for several years and recently the owner approached us to see if we would like to purchase the townhouse. We jumped at the chance! We recognize how important all housing is for those in recovery, so we moved a few residents around ...

Pizza & Bowling

Last night Sharlene, Erik and Sarah invited all the the residents from Potter House over to Foundation House for pizza and then everyone headed out for a fun night of bowling. Lots of laughs were had by all and Erik was the high scoring bowler of the night. Can't wait t...

Pi Day

It's PI day! At Umbrella PI day means PIE day and Bronwyn takes this day very seriously. As you can see from the photos Bronwyn was baking up a storm in preparation for the big day. The pies for the day include a Fresh Berry pie, and two vegan pies: Apple and Mediterra...

Hot Sauce Social

Last week Umbrella had an awesome time at our staff social. With a hot sauce challenge included for good measure, it was quickly dubbed the Hot Sauce Social. A surprising number of staff members were up for the challenge and quite a few even suffered their way through all...

International Women’s Day

Umbrella has just shared our latest enews celebrating International Women's Day 2023. The global theme for International Women's Day 2023 is #EmbraceEquity. Check out our newsletter to discover how Umbrella is working to ensure gender equity in the world of addiction rec...

Happy 1 Year Sober!

March 1 was Ross's big milestone birthday - one year sober! Ross has worked hard to get to here, and the smile on his face shows how happy he is to have reached this milestone. Ross is living at Potter House as of March 1 and he is thriving in his new house and in his l...

Happy 3 Years Foundation House!

Happy birthday to us! It was 3 years ago today that Umbrella became the proud owners of Foundation House! Although we had been operating the house since 2015, it wasn't until 2020 that the opportunity to purchase the house from the owners presented itself. We were stok...

United Way Impact Speaker – Erik

Thank you to the United Way for showcasing Erik and his impactful story of hope and recovery.