Stelly’s Secondary

On October 10 Evan and Rebecca did their first school presentation of the year at Stellys Secondary School for their comprehensive health and wellness days initiative. There is a total of 18 presentation for the students through the year from various organizations ...

Project Reconnect

Today is the annual Project Reconnect event in Victoria. Every year, community partners come together to showcase the services they offer and how they can help our community. This year Jeff and Sarena manned the Umbrella table and fielded the questions and chatted with ...

Youth In Service

Jarret and Rebecca had a great time mingling with the students and other community partners at St. Michaels University School on Monday. The event was called "Youth in service, volunteer" which students and organizations shared different ways youth can engage in the comm...

Angels Lunch

Yesterday Sharlene met with Penny and Deedrie from the Angels to catch up on all things Umbrella and celebrate our continued collaborations. The Angels have generously funded our Women's Group again and this year, we expanded our Parents Group to an additional night (due...

Bolen Books

For the month of September, which is also Recovery month, Umbrella and our friends at Bolen Books have been promoting recovery inspired books that some of the folks in recovery were inspired by during their own journey. Every recovery journey is unique but a lot of peopl...

Vital Signs Launch

Yesterday, Sharlene and Evan attended the 2024 Vital Signs Lauch event at the Victoria Conference Centre. The Vital Signs are a very helpful and important initiative that Victoria Foundation releases annually. It is like a report card for our community on things like sa...

Recovery Campaign Y3

September is recovery month and Umbrella is excited to share our year 3 of recovery campaign folks. Last, but definitely not least is the beautiful Alysha and her sweet boy Braydon. Alysha and her wam smile shows how recovery makes you feel and what happens when you mak...

Recovery Campaign Y3

September is Recovery Month and Umbrella has been spending the month highlighting wonderful folks in our community who are sharing their recovery and proud to be in recovery. This applies to our amazing Amy. Amy works hard to maintain her recovery and she is a shining e...

Recovery Day 2024

Yesterday was Recovery Day in Victoria. This event had taken a few years off and came back with a bang! Umbrella and New Roads partnered together to bring this event to Central Park with sponsorships from Island Health and Victoria Community Action Team. Lots of friend...

Royals Tickets

Umbrella was stoked to pick up our season tickets for the Victoria Royals for our guys at Foundation House. Robbie, our new finance guy, grabbed the tickets off of our friend Kevin from the Royals. We love supporting local sports and love that our guys get to go out and...