Pumpkin Carving 2022

Last night was the annual Foundation House Pumpkin Carving! The guys had a blast and got their hands dirty designing and carving their pumpkins. Every year, resident fill the house with laughter and jokes while pumpkin seeds fly and the ghoulish carved faces appear. The...

Salt Spring Island

Yesterday Sharlene, Jake and Sarah headed over the Salt Spring Island to check out the latest site we are working at - Kings Lane. This site, made of storage containers, is home to about 7 folks right now, but slowly will be full with around 20. This space is surrounded ...

Thank you Carole

Last night many gathered at the Victoria Conference Centre to share their thanks and say their goodbye's to Carole James. Yes, Carole retired awhile back, but that dreaded COVID got in the way of a proper goodbye. Sharlene and Bronwyn were among the many showed up to gi...

Happy 4 years Erik!!!

Today, everyone at Umbrella is celebrating our incredible Erik as he reaches his 4th year of recovery! Erik has always been the quiet, calm support who extends grace and understanding to each person he meets. This year, he welcomed his son into the world and became the ...

Matching Managers

Looks like the boys all arranged to dress in plaid today. Those of us that dressed not in plaid did not get the memo! We've long said that plaid is Umbrella's uniform and today Jake, Evan and Blake were dressed accordingly!

Chef Steve visits F-House

Last night at our weekly house meeting, the guys at Foundation House received a visit from Chef Steve. Steve joined the house meeting and shared his story and offered tips and tricks he has picked up along the way of his recovery journey. We also knew it was Steve's 10 ...

Intensive Journaling Group

Returning by popular demand, Umbrella is pleased to share our next sessions of our Intensive Journaling Group. Hosted by Bill Israel, this 6 week group will help participants explore what journaling means and how it can help process emotions and regulate reactions. Begi...

Improv Workshop

Umbrella has a new way for people to learn and grow! On Wednesday, October 26 from 4-6pm Umbrella will be hosting an Improv Workshop. For many, improv is an important tool to help them face their fears in a supportive, nonjudgmental and fun way. Surprisingly enough, res...

Codependency Group

Umbrella is excited to share that we will be offering a  Codependency Group beginning in November 2022. Beginning November 1st from 6-8pm, this weekly group, facilitated by two highly skilled counsellors, will focus specifically on the needs of people who struggle with i...

Truth & Reconciliation Day

September 30 is Truth and Reconciliation Day. Umbrella will be closed so we can honour and remember all of the children who went to school and didn't come home, as well as their families who survived these atrocities. We at Umbrella are committed to do more toward real...