Sovereign Order of St John

Yesterday Umbrella was grateful to receive a generous check to help fund our popular Recipes for Recovery program. The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller does amazing work in our community, and has for the past 1000 years! Incredible! Mary and ...

So many supplies!

Yesterday, Umbrella had to pick up a pallet of supplies from the hospital and transport them to one of our sites. We didn't realize how much there was until Jake barely fit in the car with all the boxes! Don't worry, safety was in check and he was seat belted in!

Thank you PECSF!

Provincial Employees are here to help... Umbrella Society is grateful for the ongoing generous support of the Provincial Employees Community Services Fund (PECSF). PECSF is the Province of British Columbia’s unique, employee-driven workplace gi...

Podcast Season 2/E4 – Dr McGhee

Umbrella is really excited to share our next podcast. Our host Blake changed things up a bit and invited Dr. Doug McGhee to join him in the Umbrella studios. Dr. Doug McGhee, an Addictions Doctor who is a vital piece to the Addictions Medicine Consult Service at both R...

Umbrella vs The Stain

How many managers does it take to get rid of a stain? Umbrella is moving out of a house we were renting on Salt Spring Island and a problem presented itself in the form of a stain. We needed to get rid of the stain, and our elite team of workers were heading to SSI yest...

Halloween at our houses

Last night was pumpkin carving at all our recovery houses. It is always a lot of fun for the residents to just socialize and engage with each other and our housing manager, Zack. A big thank you to Umbrella's Angels who provided all the pumpkins for our residents to car...

Youth Service Providers Event

Today, Autumn and Evan are at the West Shore/Sooke Child and Youth Service Providers Event manning the Umbrella table. This event took place at the Eagle Ridge Community Centre and is a great opportunity for service providers to connect and network and to reach the yout...


Thank you to the United Way South Island for showcasing Josh and highlighting his story. Josh was sick of being sick. And when you’re sick, it’s hard to take care of your family. He’d been battling his addictions for years, and every time he thought he had it beat, ...

CSAM Conference

Umbrella is pleased to be a part of the CSAM Scientific Conference happening today in Victoria. Louise, Rebecca and Evan are all attending and participating in this great event. Opportunities like this are so important for our staff and community to learn from each othe...

Podcast Season 2/E 3 -Stephanie

In today's episode, we chat with Stephanie who tells us about her journey of entering recovery and facing her substance use challenges at the young age of 19. Stephanie speaks to the power of connection and the importance of having fun in recovery. Have a listen to this ...