Cultural Safety

Over the past year, Umbrella has been working with Island Health, CISUR, UVIC, Royal Roads, SOLID and Division of Family Practice to help create access to safe primary care for people who use substances. This project, called Creating Cultural Safety in Hospital Settings ...

Birthday Fun

Last week at our Umbrella fun day, we also celebrated two of our team's birthdays - Evan and Valerie. The team really enjoys these moments as a opportunity to share stories, laughs and, of course, cake!

Umbrella Fun Day!

This afternoon the team took a much needed fun break and headed out for a good old fashioned girls vs guys mini golf game. The stakes were high... a trophy and bragging rights were on the line! Evan and Conor were trying to create their own golf gang... While Bronwyn...

Wally resigns

Wally Eamer was Umbrella's Board Chair until June 13, 2018, when he resigned to spend more time with his wife, travelling and volunteering with other organizations. Umbrella is thankful for the leadership Wally provided as we created a new strategic plan and governance ...

Welcoming the SCS

Tomorrow, Monday June 18, the Pandora Safe Consumption Site is open to the community. This important service had an open house last week for community partners and Umbrella arrived with a home made cookie bouquet with syringes, bandaids and pills made to welcome their te...

Cooper House becomes home

The big move happened yesterday. Four residents and TJ moved from Foundation House to our brand new third stage recovery house, Cooper House. With help from parents, staff and FH residents, the new Cooper House residents enjoyed pizza and unpacking, while helping TJ adj...

Evan, the actor

It is never the same day twice at Umbrella, and today was no different. Evan took a break from helping clients to play the part of a hospital patient in a video being created to honour Dr. Ramm Herring at an upcoming award ceremony. This work can be difficult, challengi...

Let there be cake

At our last staff meeting of every month, we celebrate birthdays, milestones and our team. All of us at Umbrella love a lot of things, with cake on top of the list! Happy birthday to Bronwyn and Angela - cake made by Sharlene, decorated by Robyn.


This weekend, Dr. Gabor Mate is in Victoria running his compassionate inquiry workshop. Umbrella was able to send Robyn and Louise to take part in this incredible weekend, and they got a great selfie with Gabor!

Cooper House!

Umbrella is thrilled to announce the opening of a third stage supportive recovery house for men on June 1. Cooper House will be home to four men who have resided at Foundation House, completed Ready to Rent training, and are ready for more independence. There are many d...