Umbrella Christmas 2018

Tonight Umbrella staff and board celebrated another year of great work being done in our community. This annual Christmas event is a highlight for both board and staff. Everyone enjoyed an evening of food, games and fun - and a reflection of how much we have grown! A h...

Our Premier John Horgan

Umbrella is thrilled to announce that our Premier, John Horgan is joining us at our charity hockey game on February 10, 2019. We are excited that he has agreed to "drop the puck" to get the game started and we know he will be cheering on our firefighters as they take on ...

Christmas at Umbrella!

This afternoon, to celebrate the Christmas season, the team took some time to enjoy lunch and have a fun afternoon together. We rarely get to spend time just relaxing and laughing while sharing stories and playing games. Umbrella has the best team, and we love to spend ...

Happy birthday Keith!

The last staff meeting of each month is saved for cake! This month we celebrated Keith with a delicious chocolate cake made by Sharlene and decorated by Robyn. Blake surprised us with some homemade dumplings too! Apparently the last staff meeting of each month is saved...

VIP Packages

Did you know that there are a limited number of VIP tickets available for the February 10, 2019 charity hockey game with the Montreal Canadiens Alumni and the Greater Victoria Fire-fighters? These tickets are a must have for the Habs fan in your life! They include a mee...

100.3 The Q

Umbrella is grateful to 100.3 The Q for agreeing to be the media sponsor for our charity hockey game on February 10. It takes a lot to pull a fundraiser together and we are so happy to have The Q, The Grizzlies, The Greater Victoria Firefighters and so many more people h...

Victoria Grizzlies

Umbrella is pretty excited about our upcoming charity hockey fundraiser with our local firefighters facing off against the Montreal Canadiens Alumni, but, without the support of the Victoria Grizzlies, we wouldn't be able to pull this off. We have been receiving guidance...

Al Ferraby

Guess who is singing the national anthem at our charity hockey game? CFAX's host Al Ferraby! We are really excited to welcome Al to be a part of our big fundraiser and the day. Game day and double header tickets and a limited amount of VIP tickets are on sale, get your...

Happy Retirement!

Kelly Sharman, Coordinator of SAMI and AMCS for Island Health, and HUGE supporter of Umbrella, is celebrating his last day of work. Umbrella values and appreciates Kelly and all he has done for the MHSU system and clients, and will miss him A LOT! To celebrate this exci...

It’s Cliff!

Everyone at Umbrella is very excited that The Q's Cliff Lequesne has agreed to be the announcer at our Charity Hockey Game on February 10, 2019. This family friendly event sees the Greater Victoria Firefighters facing off against the Montreal Canadiens Alumni! We can't ...