Hockey photos

Premiere John Horgan dropping the ceremonial puck for Mike Weaver from the Canadiens and Captain Brian Bell from Langford Fire Department. Sunday was a great day at The Q Centre. Mike and Mike from M2 Photography captured some great shots from the game, and shared a f...

Chris saves the day!

I would be remiss if I didn't give The Q's roadie, Chris Loran, a massive shout out for being awesome yesterday! The Q was on location at our charity hockey game, and Chris came in from the cold to check out the game. During the third period we went to order 30 hot dogs...

Charity Hockey Game

What a day! What a game! What an amazing first fundraiser for Umbrella. Umbrella is just blown away by the charity hockey game yesterday. The snow held off, the game was fun and the mascots were a hit! We cannot thank the Canadiens Alumni enough for coming to Victori...

Thank you Cliff

It wouldn't be a local hockey game without The Q's Cliff Lesquesne announcing the plays! In this photo, Umbrella's Blake caught Cliff away from his microphone to share the 50/50 grand total and draw the winning name. Thank you again Cliff!

Our Premier

Sharlene, Evan and the rest of Umbrella were thrilled our Premiere, John Horgan, attended our charity hockey game to drop the ceremonial puck! John stayed for the game and rooted for the Greater Victoria Firefighters who were being beat by the Canadiens. Thank you for c...

Silent Auction

We have the most amazing silent auction items up for bid at our Charity Hockey Game on Sunday, February 10 at 1pm. Umbrella has been fortunate to receive some pretty sweet items, including an autographed Elias Petterssen t-shirt from the Vancouver Canucks, Las Vegas Gold...

Sneak Peek!

Check out one of our amazing silent auction items for the upcoming charity hockey game on February 10. The Montreal Canadiens Alumni are coming to town but we are selling this Las Vegas Golden Knights autographed by goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury to the highest bidder. Th...

Pucks a plenty

Our big charity hockey game is just about a month away and we are learning a lot about organizing a hockey game. It has been a steep, but oh-so-fun learning curve! Today we got the game pucks - how cool are these? Make sure you get your tickets - there are lots of rese...

Mr. November

There was a great fundraiser, a 2019 calendar, done by Bespoke Blossoms to raise awareness and funds for Island Community Mental Health. Our own Evan is representing the month of November. To learn more about the florist and where to purchase your own calendar, check ou...

Santa Arrived!

Today, Sharlene and Evan got to play Santa Claus and deliver gifts to the residents of Foundation House, Cooper House and Hudson House. Members of our generous community, like Char, Kristen, Bobbi and Kathy, provided wonderful gifts for the residents of all three houses,...