Sovereign Order Check Presentation

Today Dr Richard Crowe made a visit to Foundation House to present a check to Umbrella's ED Sharlene. These funds will be applied towards the costs of food at Foundation House. Dr. Crowe presented the check on behalf of the Sovereign Order of St. John Victoria, who rec...

Sobriety Celebrations!

Umbrella has so much to celebrate! Two of our awesome residents are celebrating some big sobriety milestones. Brian, at Cooper House is celebrating one year and Nathanial at Potter House is celebrating two years! We couldn't be more proud of these two and all our reside...

Christmas Party 2022

Last night Umbrella staff and board kicked off December with our annual Christmas party. It isn't often the board and staff all get together so we like to do it up right when we can! We love seeing our fellow co-workers dressed up and having fun. So many sparkles! Lots...

Thank you Kia Victoria!

Last week, we gratefully received a large donation of socks from Kia Victoria. Socks are always needed and appreciated and we will ensure that they are delivered to our residents in our transitional housing sites lickety split, we know the residents will appreciate them!...

BC Non-Profit Housing Conference

Umbrella was fortunate to have our Housing Coordinator Erik head over to Vancouver last week to attend the Housing Central annual conference. Umbrella was grateful to have received a bursary so we could send Erik for all three days. It was a whirlwind with a ton of infor...

Camosun College Forum

Umbrella participated in Camosun College's forum on mental health, addictions and justice yesterday. Umbrella participates in this important forum annually and this year we were pleased Erik was representing Umbrella at this forum. Pictured below with Grant from Our Pla...

Salt Spring Island

Yesterday Sharlene, Jake and Sarah headed over the Salt Spring Island to check out the latest site we are working at - Kings Lane. This site, made of storage containers, is home to about 7 folks right now, but slowly will be full with around 20. This space is surrounded ...

Thank you Carole

Last night many gathered at the Victoria Conference Centre to share their thanks and say their goodbye's to Carole James. Yes, Carole retired awhile back, but that dreaded COVID got in the way of a proper goodbye. Sharlene and Bronwyn were among the many showed up to gi...

Matching Managers

Looks like the boys all arranged to dress in plaid today. Those of us that dressed not in plaid did not get the memo! We've long said that plaid is Umbrella's uniform and today Jake, Evan and Blake were dressed accordingly!

Chef Steve visits F-House

Last night at our weekly house meeting, the guys at Foundation House received a visit from Chef Steve. Steve joined the house meeting and shared his story and offered tips and tricks he has picked up along the way of his recovery journey. We also knew it was Steve's 10 ...